Wednesday 28 August 2024

Team Work

The army of ants gathered for duty on a sunny Saturday morning.

“Attention!” the captain shouted. “Line up, everyone! I present to you King Kokum.”

King Kokum, the leader of the ants, stood up from his royal chair next to the lovely Queen of the ants.

“Good morning, my friends,” the King said in a loud, strong voice.

“Good morning, King Kokum,” all the ants replied.

“First, I want to thank you all for the hard work you do every day. The Queen and I are very proud of you. Remember, we are one big family. Look out for each other. Together we are strong, but alone we fall. So go out there and do your best!”

The ants cheered for their King. The supervisors took their places and started organizing their groups.

“Group 1, search the yard for tasty things. Group 2, move the dead bugs. Group 3, build an anthill to store our treasures. Group 4, make a line to carry the goodies. Let’s get to work! Group 5 and 6, bring the items back to the kingdom.”

All the ants got to work right away, and each group did their job carefully. But then, Ant Loni from Group 5 got very tired and fell out of line. Her team was upset because she was slowing them down. They didn’t stop to help her; they had to keep working.

Ant Loni tried to get up, but she was too weak. She even tried to call for help, but no one heard her.

When it was time for Groups 5 and 6 to start their task, Ant Bimo and Ant Ket saw Ant Loni. Unlike the others, they left their line and ran to help her. The other ants were upset because it messed up their order. But Ant Loni was finally carried back to the kingdom.

The next morning, King Kokum called for Ant Ket and Ant Bimo. They were worried because they thought they were in trouble for leaving their line.

To their surprise, King Kokum made all the ants cheer for them and gave them special gifts to save Ant Loni. He told everyone, “Remember to look out for each other. Because of you two, Loni is safe.”

Tuesday 6 February 2024


It was 2pm on Friday and the school bell had just gone. The school was over and all the kids were excited that it was Friday again. "Hi, Mrs Briggs". 
"Hello Cynthia, how are you doing today?" "I'm very fine, thank you. Caleb!!! Boma!!! your mum is here".
"Bye Miss Cynthia", the kids screamed as they ran to their mum's car.

Boma and Caleb sat quietly in front of the tv, while they watched their favourite show on Cbeebies.

"Ring ring ring," the doorbell rang. Caleb stood up and ran towards the door. "Come back," Boma said. "Mummy said we are not allowed to answer the door". "So should we keep the visitor waiting?" He asked. 
Just then, the childrens' mum rushed out of her room and went straight to the door.

"Grandma, she said with excitement, as she opened the door.
"Grandma!!! Grandma !!!," the kids screamed, as they both hugged their grandmum.

They loved their grandmother, particularly because she always had a lot of gifts for them and fun stories to tell. 

The next day was the 21st of June and it was grandma's 70th birthday. The kids were so excited to wake up very early that morning. They helped mum bake grandma's cake and make some special cookies. Next, Mum, Dad, Caleb, and Boma went into grandma's room to surprise her. 

"Good morning Grandma," Boma said.
As grandma turned to respond, the four of them chorused a loud "Happy Birthday!!!" They also presented the cake to the celebrant. Next, Caleb started the Happy Birthday song and everyone joined in.

Later that day, the kids designed birthday cards for their granny, mum prepared a special dinner and Dad got her a beautiful gift. Grandma was so grateful, she loved her family so much. 

The next afternoon, it was time to say goodbye to grandma. Once again the kids took turns to hug and peck their grandma. They went off to bed early that night, Monday was a school day.