Thursday 11 November 2021

Princess Anna

Many years ago, in the kingdom of Heaves, there was a fabulous King called King Kingsley. He was married to the beautiful Queen Angela, and together they had a beautiful daughter named Princess Anna. 

Anna was attractive, just like her mother, and everyone admired her. Anna's parents taught her to treat everyone respectfully even though she was the Princess.

One Saturday morning, her father, walked into her room as saw it untidy. My Princess, why is your room so scattered? He asked? Well, daddy, that's because Susan is yet to clean it. Susan was the maid assigned to clean the princess room. Noooo the king exclaimed; it is not suitable for you to keep your room dirty. I mean, it's okay for Aunty Susan to help you clean up but maintaining your room clean is your responsibility. 

Remember darling, "there's dignity in labour" what does that mean, dad? Well, it means working hard makes you proud of yourself and makes others like your mum and aunt Susan proud of you and me.

Am sorry dad, I will make sure I keep my room neat, whether aunty Susan comes or not. The father and daughter hugged, and the king went on his way.
On Mirabel's 13th birthday, there was a party organized for her. 

At midnight that same night, news reached the palace; the neighbouring kingdom planned to attack Kingdom Honolulu. This news made preparations to protect lives and property in Honolulu, but it was too late.

The next day, the warriors of Kingdom doom fought their way into the palace and captured the king and Queen. Just then, Mirabel, the elderly chief maid, ran into princess Anna's room, made her pack a few things and carried her through the back of the palace. 

At Mirabel's little cottage, she explained the happenings to the Princess in the best way possible.
Princess Anna was so hurt she cried for several nights and days and refused to eat. Mirabel feared that the little Princess would starve to death. Mirabel was also a mother of three kids. Ben, who was 18, Rose, who was 13 and little Daniella. A week after the incident, Ben overheard his sister gossip about the Princess.

Rose said to her little sister, while mum brings the Princess into our house, I hope she doesn't expect us to make her bed or wash the dishes after her. But she's been doing her chores and treating us nicely since she arrived. Maybe it's because she's afraid mummy will send her out. I am sure she will misbehave soon enough. Why are you so jealous? Bens voice came from the kitchen window; Daniella is correct. The Princess has done us no harm. Please kindly be nice to her. She's hurting. The following day, Anna offered to follow Mirabel to the nearby market to buy some food. 

Just as they stepped out, Rose came across an expensive piece of jewellery that belonged to the Princess on the table in the room both girls shared. While trying on the earrings, one of them broke. She tried her best to fix it, but she failed. She cried till her mom and the Princess returned. Immediately they came in, she reported herself. 

The Princess forgave her instantly to her greatest surprise. she was so grateful and ashamed that she spoke evil about her. She apologized, and from that day, she respected the Princess and never gossiped again.

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome story. We should teach our children to be nice to others and stop being quick to judge people.
