Saturday 9 September 2017


Once upon a time, in the little town of Sora, there were two beautiful girls. They were called Chuchu and Soyce. The two friends lived on the same street, attended the same school and church. Since they both came from Christian homes, their parents had taught them to be good children. They learned to say their morning and night prayers. They also learned to show compassion to people.

One day, during playtime in school, the two friends saw a small gathering of kids laughing. As they got closer, they saw Debbie on the floor. Debbie was a chubby little girl in their class, who got bullied and mocked daily by other pupils, especially Lily. Lily was yet another class mate of theirs from a rich family. She always acted like she was better than everyone else.

Chuchu and Soyce ran to the centre and helped Debbie up, while they totally ignored the look on Lily's face. They also reported to the teacher, who asked Lily to sit in class for the rest of the break time.

Meanwhile, they took Debbie to the corner and sat with her. She couldn't hold back her tears as she explained the hurtful names Lily called her. "She called me fat and ugly, I am so ugly." "No u are not," Chuchu said. "The Bible says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. My mummy said that means we are all beautiful in our own special way." Soyce continued. "Debbie, you are beautiful."  "Let's say the words, just like we did in Sunday school," suggested one of the girls." The three girls repeated the words "I am beautiful" severally until Debbie began to smile.
The bell rang just then. The break was over.


  1. Wow, that is a beautiful message and story line! We are all beautifully and wonderfully made.( Psalm 139:14)❤️❤️
