Monday 11 September 2017


Once upon a time, there lived a very happy and sweet tortoise called Mr Torbee. He always treated everyone right and he loved to work hard. At work he was well respected and loved by everyone except his mean boss called Mr. Torboss, who respected no one.

It was a beautiful, sunny morning, and Mr Torbee had set off for work early, as usual.  He liked to be punctual and always considered how long it took him to get to work.

He worked in a company with other tortoises. Just as work started, his boss addressed all the staff in his normal harsh voice. As he shouted the words "meeting dismissed", there were murmurs everywhere because of his unfriendly attitude.
Just then, Mr Torbee thought to himself, "Oga sounds rather frustrated today. I wonder what's wrong." 

"Did you notice the deep sadness as the boss spoke?" He asked his factory partner. "Why on earth are you so ignorant?" His partner replied. That man has been like that for the 10 years I have worked here. He realized immediately that speaking out was a mistake. Every staff of the company hated the boss. Mr Torbee was still convinced that something was wrong, so he took a bold step at break time. He knocked at Mr Torboss office.

"Who is there?" Mr Torboss asked," it's me, Torbee he replied?" "Go away, Torbee, am not in the mood for complaints the boss replied in a shaky voice". Mr Torbee still tried harder, "I am not here to complain, sir, am just worried about you". There was a long pause from inside the room, then slowly, the door was unlocked. Torbee took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in slowly.
"What did u say you wanted from me?" "Nothing, sir. I was just worried about you," he repeated. "You sounded really upset this morning, so I wanted to check on you." "How did you notice that, and why do you even care?" "I thought you all hated me". "Well, I don't hate you," Torben said, "even though I wish you were nicer to us, but my grandma always said, there is a rose in every man, no matter who he is,  find it".

Mr Torboss broke down in tears; this was so confusing to Torbee. "What's wrong, sir?" "I have many problems, and I have no one to talk to; nobody wants to be my friend". Torbee was surprised that not having friends would make the boss sad. He spent the next few minutes encouraging his boss and telling him ways of acting better. Mr Torboss surprised all the staff with an apology the next day. Torbee and Torboss became best of friends from that day.

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